
Passion, Simplicity, and Trust: The Cornerstones of Business Success

After 35 years as a chartered surveyor navigating the global property market, travelling back and forth from the UK to India regularly and running a business based out of London, you could say I’ve been around the block (pun very much intended). But, most importantly, I have learnt a lot along the way.

Firstly, to be successful at what you do, you have to love what you do. Passion is the foundation of everything. When you’re truly invested in your work, it doesn’t feel like work. It becomes a source of energy, creativity, and motivation, and that drive powers you through even the toughest challenges. You need faith in your ideas and a dedication to running your business; harness this and success will follow.

Simplicity is also key. In today’s digital world, a paper diary may seem old-fashioned, but I swear by it. Crossing things off a to-do list is a feeling like no other, and that unmatched sense of accomplishment still motivates me to this day.

While lists keep you organised, writing things down clarifies thoughts and sharpens focus. Any task I have I write down, and when complete, I shred the paper. This keeps me agile, focused, and free from clutter – an analogue practice that fuels digital productivity and ensures I’m always moving forward.

I try and maintain a zero-inbox policy. At the end of each day, there are no unread emails in my inbox; everything is dealt with, filed away, or flagged for later. I even do the same with WhatsApp messages, which some people find unusual. This discipline keeps me on track and ensures I’m never distracted by a backlog of communications.

One of the lessons I’ve learned in business is don’t worry about what you can’t control. Learning to silence your negative thoughts and subdue worries is a mindset that can take years to master. Remaining calm in high pressure scenarios is easier said than done but focusing on what’s within your control – and letting go of the rest – keeps you grounded. When things feel overwhelming, step outside and reset. A quick walk or a coffee break clears your mind and often brings the solution you have been looking for.

Now, here’s one that may ruffle a few feathers, but despite the convenience of virtual meetings, I firmly believe that nothing beats face-to-face interaction.The value of in-person communication – especially when building client relationships and chemistry in the workplace – cannot be overstated. The body language, the subtle cues, the immediate feedback; all of that forms a stronger connection than any Zoom call. Trust me on this one.

Having inspiring mentors around me, especially at the beginning of my career, was pivotal and has had a long-lasting professional impact for me. It boosted my confidence and made me feel valued. I’m now in a position to be a mentor myself for the next generation, and I’ll never pass up an opportunity to help those who need it.

As a leader, it’s critical that you never outsource your responsibilities. The best leaders are visible and engaged. They set an example and show up for their teams. Whether it’s making a cup of coffee for a client or offering guidance to junior colleagues during a challenging project, these small acts of leadership build trust and respect: values that are integral to the backbone of any successful business.

Trust between colleagues is one thing, but trusting your client and their trust in you is another. It’s earned over time, and once it’s established, it’s invaluable. Most of my business is done solely by handshake – no written contracts or formalities – because trust has been built and is strong enough to stand on its own.

Finally, surround yourself with people who lift you up. It’s easy to be weighed down by negativity, but finding the right team, the right partners, and the right collaborators is critical. These are the people who make the challenges easier and the victories sweeter.

Ultimately, in business, success isn’t just about numbers. It’s about the principles you live by, the people you work with, and the passion you bring to the table. Keep it simple, trust the process, and above all, love what you do.

Rohin Shah is co-founder of India’s Largest Independent Residential Agency and Eminent Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Written by

Rohin Shah

co-founder of India’s Largest Independent Residential Agency

January 16, 2025


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